Two Faced Friend Doll
Aww, isn't she cute? Finished this up last week for a friend about to have a baby girl. (Now if I could just remember to bring it when I see her!!) The really fun part about it is that all of the fabric came from scraps from finished projects or repurposed clothing. The doll's flowered dress, for example, is a dress of mine from when I was 15 or so. (Don't ask me why I still have it, who knows! It has come in handy though; I used the same flowered fabric to cover another journal.) Anyway, the white fabric is from an old t-shirt. You can find the pattern in Beeper Bebe's Etsy shop. Take a look around the shop, it has some very cute things, including the Two Faced Friend doll already made up. Holly also has a great blog with a ton of ideas, particularly if you are looking for cute, homemade toy ideas. This particular pattern is for sale (and worth every penny!), but her blog has tons of free ideas too.
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