Books I'm Loving
It's no secret that I read a huge amount for the number of children in my life, but I think it is one of the things that keeps me from tumbling right off the edge of insanity. At least so far.
Of all the books that I have read recently, these are the ones I have loved, and recommend:
(Images: All photos are shamelessly plucked from, not with the intent to make money for myself, but to promote reading.)
Jam It, Pickle It, Cure It by Karen Solomon
This book is one that I'm going to have to return to the library long before I'm ready to let it go. If I wasn't so busy jarring all the tomatoes I can get my hands on, I'd have cooked my way through half of this book already. It is fabulous! Go get it!
Creative Correction by Lisa Whelchel

I am a big fan of the Love and Logic school of thought: parenting in such a way that your kids really feel the responsibility and impact of their choices (within reason of course). Lisa's book gives tons of ideas that use this philosophy and bring home consequences in a real way for kids, and keeps it all tied together with love and biblical principles. Not everything in here will work every day for every kid, but the author offers so many strategies, parents are bound to find ideas that really work for their kids. . .at least for a week or two!
Friendship for Grownups by Lisa Whelchel
I stumbled on this one while looking up the first book by Lisa Whelchel. She has a bunch! It is honest, open, and very readable. As I was reading it, I spent a lot of time thinking about my friendships both in terms of what I bring (or don't bring). I tend to be more introverted than one might think, and neglect to pour into my friendships. This book is an excellent reminder that relationships are key to this life, and the best way we can live out God's love in the day-to-day. I read it cover to cover, even though my husband made fun of me.
The Shelter of Each Other by Mary Pipher
Of Reviving Ophelia fame, Mary Pipher authors this poignant book about the cultural attack on families, the necessity of family units, and ideas for maintaining family health. I admit that I skipped over some of the middle sections because it was just too depressing for me at the time I was reading it, but the book is very worthwhile and ends on a hopeful note.
Every Cowgirl Needs a Horse by Rebecca Janni
Fun and sweet with enough pink to tickle even the girliest girly girl. The end of the story has a little bit of a moral too.
Woof: A Love Story by Sarah Weeks
An adorable and clever story about a dog who falls in love with a cat, but can't make his feelings understood. Sigh. Ain't that how it seems to go??
Of all the books that I have read recently, these are the ones I have loved, and recommend:
(Images: All photos are shamelessly plucked from, not with the intent to make money for myself, but to promote reading.)
Jam It, Pickle It, Cure It by Karen Solomon
This book is one that I'm going to have to return to the library long before I'm ready to let it go. If I wasn't so busy jarring all the tomatoes I can get my hands on, I'd have cooked my way through half of this book already. It is fabulous! Go get it!
Creative Correction by Lisa Whelchel

I am a big fan of the Love and Logic school of thought: parenting in such a way that your kids really feel the responsibility and impact of their choices (within reason of course). Lisa's book gives tons of ideas that use this philosophy and bring home consequences in a real way for kids, and keeps it all tied together with love and biblical principles. Not everything in here will work every day for every kid, but the author offers so many strategies, parents are bound to find ideas that really work for their kids. . .at least for a week or two!
Friendship for Grownups by Lisa Whelchel
I stumbled on this one while looking up the first book by Lisa Whelchel. She has a bunch! It is honest, open, and very readable. As I was reading it, I spent a lot of time thinking about my friendships both in terms of what I bring (or don't bring). I tend to be more introverted than one might think, and neglect to pour into my friendships. This book is an excellent reminder that relationships are key to this life, and the best way we can live out God's love in the day-to-day. I read it cover to cover, even though my husband made fun of me.
The Shelter of Each Other by Mary Pipher
Of Reviving Ophelia fame, Mary Pipher authors this poignant book about the cultural attack on families, the necessity of family units, and ideas for maintaining family health. I admit that I skipped over some of the middle sections because it was just too depressing for me at the time I was reading it, but the book is very worthwhile and ends on a hopeful note.
Every Cowgirl Needs a Horse by Rebecca Janni
Fun and sweet with enough pink to tickle even the girliest girly girl. The end of the story has a little bit of a moral too.
Woof: A Love Story by Sarah Weeks
An adorable and clever story about a dog who falls in love with a cat, but can't make his feelings understood. Sigh. Ain't that how it seems to go??
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