A slip and a nightgown
In case you are wondering, the Rooster Rock fire is still burning hot. Luckily it is burning away from most homes, but there is quite a bit of smoke all over our area. Go here for some amazing night shots of the fire.
So, on to my showing off! :o)

I'm sure it's hard to understand my excitement at finding this beauty in the thrift store for only $2, but I'm weird that way. (Upon seeing the gown laid out in all its glory, Grant said, "What is that?!") This voluminous gown is actually flannel-backed satin, which would cost much more than $2 if I were to purchase it new. Yay for thrift stores!
My original goal was to make myself a slip for under some of my lighter skirts. I wacked off the bottom 18 inches or so, preserving the hem, and then pinned it on my body to get an idea of the size. I couldn't actually get the pinned slip off of myself (on account of having pinned it to my unmentionables), so I marked the pins with a disappearing marker, and then just unpinned the whole thing. Freedom! A disappearing marker is a handy little tool, if you do much sewing at all.
Then I just stitched up the drawn line, tried the slip on one more time to test the size, and then made a casing for my elastic, (basically a little tube for the elastic to run in). In case you're curious, this is what I used for elastic:
I cut this stuff off of all old pairs of male unmentionables that are on their way out of our house, and let me tell you, it makes for some nice waistbands on kid pants and skirts, etc. Plus, it's free!
So, voila, slip for me. (All that white in the sky is smoke!)
After wearing the slip for a bit, I realized it was too tight around the legs. Simple fix: cut a slit up the back, and edge stitch or zig zag the raw edge.
I had some remaining fabric, and decided to make a little nightgown for Ava, since she really doesn't have any summery sleepwear. I made up the pattern as I went, forcing her to hold still so I could measure her the same way I measured myself for the slip. She wasn't too thrilled about all that, but the end result has made it worthwhile. And Ava helped with the sewing too, always fun. This is the face I got when I asked for her "normal" face. (The seams are a little straighter than they appear, since it was breezy when we were doing our photo shoot.)

So, on to my showing off! :o)

I'm sure it's hard to understand my excitement at finding this beauty in the thrift store for only $2, but I'm weird that way. (Upon seeing the gown laid out in all its glory, Grant said, "What is that?!") This voluminous gown is actually flannel-backed satin, which would cost much more than $2 if I were to purchase it new. Yay for thrift stores!
My original goal was to make myself a slip for under some of my lighter skirts. I wacked off the bottom 18 inches or so, preserving the hem, and then pinned it on my body to get an idea of the size. I couldn't actually get the pinned slip off of myself (on account of having pinned it to my unmentionables), so I marked the pins with a disappearing marker, and then just unpinned the whole thing. Freedom! A disappearing marker is a handy little tool, if you do much sewing at all.
Then I just stitched up the drawn line, tried the slip on one more time to test the size, and then made a casing for my elastic, (basically a little tube for the elastic to run in). In case you're curious, this is what I used for elastic:
I cut this stuff off of all old pairs of male unmentionables that are on their way out of our house, and let me tell you, it makes for some nice waistbands on kid pants and skirts, etc. Plus, it's free!
So, voila, slip for me. (All that white in the sky is smoke!)
After wearing the slip for a bit, I realized it was too tight around the legs. Simple fix: cut a slit up the back, and edge stitch or zig zag the raw edge.
I had some remaining fabric, and decided to make a little nightgown for Ava, since she really doesn't have any summery sleepwear. I made up the pattern as I went, forcing her to hold still so I could measure her the same way I measured myself for the slip. She wasn't too thrilled about all that, but the end result has made it worthwhile. And Ava helped with the sewing too, always fun. This is the face I got when I asked for her "normal" face. (The seams are a little straighter than they appear, since it was breezy when we were doing our photo shoot.)

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