Grammar Land: Cycle 2 English Resource

Cycle 2 English Grammar includes lists of various parts of speech.  To help bring these lists to life, we are (slowly) reading through Grammar Land, by M.L. Nesbitt.

Grammar Land is old enough it might be considered vintage, but then some people think the study of grammar is also vintage, so there you go.  At any rate, it's delightful and goes well with our Cycle 2 English memory work.  My kids love it!  Chapters and worksheets are pretty short and snappy, so we have found it easy to fit this in.  I do think the later chapters will be over the heads of my kids, so we might stretch this out and save the latter parts for later.

Amazon's description:
A singularly ingenious, witty, and amusing attempt to teach some of the elements of grammar by allegory and pictorial illustration. A wonderful introduction to the parts of speech for young and old. Numerous black and white illustrations complement the text.

Free ebook download

Kindle version (not free)*

Audio version

Worksheets we are using

Unit Study, if you're really into it

*Note:  This post contains affiliate links, which means (at no extra cost to you) I may receive a portion of any purchase you make via links within.


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