Spring in Photos

This spring has been about putting one foot in front of the other for me.  And the thing about that is - no matter how painful it is, no matter how sloooowly you move your feet, no matter how little it seems you're moving, you actually do move.  It's just that you can't tell while you're heaving that left foot four inches, and then struggling to do the same with your right.  But four inches is forward motion, people, and forward motion (eventually) builds on itself.

This post is a mini photo book of all the sweet forward motion our family has managed to enjoy this past spring.

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Moments of sibling sweetness.

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Lots of seize-the-moment snuggling with my not-really-a-baby-anymore.
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Impromptu family adventures. (Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival)
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Breaking the routine with a mid-week beach trip.
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Busting at the seams with pride over my two martial arts belt-testers.
big pick up 2

big pick up 3
Community service as a family.
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Surviving way more hours in the car together than ever before.  The joy of three kids who can entertain themselves with a pen and paper.
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Toy airplanes in the sunshine.  (Thanks Grandma Sara!)
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Charlotte's delight over her "big girl" dress.

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Wyatt teaching Charlotte how to unload the dishwasher.  The gift of kids who know how to work.
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Reading party in the park with a bag full of library books.


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