photo by ava |
I know, I know!! But you try coming up with snappy post titles when you're really just writing about the same blither blather all over again.
our house in the background |
At any rate, here's the quick version of
our September:
schooling, soccer, OSU football (0-3 ugh!), Classical Conversations, soccer treats, sorting through closets to figure out autumnal clothing needs, realizing there are 12 weeks left until Christmas, having my train of thought broken approximately 768 times a day (certified secret government torture technique), "Momeeeee???," "Wyatt, no no no no no," "how you do that mama?" times seventy seven, more soccer, a football game in the OSU alumni skybox, a lovely alumni reception for the new
OSU Linus Pauling Science Center (amazing building, uh-mazing food, and the first time we've left Charlotte with a babysitter), tweaking our daily schedule (more on that soon), sleep-deprivation, potty-learning back-sliding, increasing clarity in the boy's speech (hurrah!), lots and lots of coffee, somehow managing to can pasta sauce and peaches (mostly due to previously mentioned coffee), freezing soup and random snippets of veggies, blackberry picking fail that ended in two small children stripped to the waist peeing on a tree, still looking for a few good bushels of apples, dramatic increase in the pace of our lives. . .WELCOME FALL!
photo by ava: "I call it(dramatic pause) "bowl"" |
technically did not occur in September |
Reptile Man at the public library |
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