Just to confirm, moving is not really all that fun. Which is to say, it stinks. However, if you have to do an annoying job, make it a big party with pizza! We had a lot of help (and pizza) on both ends of our move, and I am so very thankful. Even with the little bit of lifting that I did, my pregnant body was tired and sore by the end of the day, and for several days afterward.
Here is our mid-day pizza party, which sort of doubled as Wyatt's birthday party. Poor kid. We'll make up for it when he turns three.
The perfect weather was such a blessing! |
Saying goodbye to friends |
Loving the trees |
Some progress, thanks to my mom and mother-in-law!
So we are slowly settling in. These children of mine are completely out of sorts, even almost two weeks later, but I have
hope that getting back into our routine will help them relax. . .and let go of this scream/cry/pick-on-each-other-every-second routine.
Good luck. My son spent his 7th b-day at the funeral home when my daddy died. Even thought we'd had a party earlier (before Dad died) I felt horrible about.; But he actually was OK because he was with hiss favorite cousin.